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Digital Stories: MA Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects

The digital stories and posts below have been created by students and staff on the Digital Storytelling Workshops held in the Department of Archaeology at Durham University’s MA in Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects.  This is a two-year program in which students learn to conserve and care for a range of materials commonly found in cultural heritage.  During the first year, the students are taught on the Durham campus and in the second year they spend on a placement in a conservation laboratory at a major museum or cultural heritage institution across the world.  Over the last three years, we have been exploring the use of Digital Storytelling within the program’s curriculum as a tool for facilitating the student’s transition onto their placements and helping to develop their identities from “students” to “emerging conservators.”

Students reflect on their relationship to conservation practice telling important biographies that link the personal, experiential and professional together.

Digital Stories: MA Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects