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Digital Stories

Discover our growing collection of Digital Stories created by students and staff at Durham University and other HE and educational contexts who have participated in Digital Storytelling Workshops at Durham and beyond.

The digital stories in our collection are diverse yet all incredibly unique, telling a story that only each storyteller can tell. What they all share is that they present a compelling glimpse into a storyteller’s world inviting us to share and learn something about the storyteller’s experiences, their subject matter, ‘their story’, which in turn invites us to reflect back on our own selves. Importantly, the stories are also linked to educational purpose and are told within the context of a discipline or course. Often, our digital storytellers will accompany their stories with a blog post, podcast or other media that gives you more insight into the process of creating a digital story for their context, reflecting on their story post-event and how this supported their own development as students/educators.  We hope you enjoy the stories and that for some of you, that they inspire you and lead you to join our community of practice as storytellers and storyteller facilitators.

Find out more about the Digital Storytelling Projects behind the stories here. Join our Digital Storytelling Community of Practice and Read our Blog posts about DS here.

Digital Stories and Posts