‘A Lecture on the Love of Literature’ by Jasmine Cash
The Digital Storytelling course was a wonderful thing to do this summer. It seemed to come out of nowhere, when I thought the academic year was as good as over, and I signed up not knowing what to expect. It turned out to be an immensely enjoyable experience, and it felt very good to be doing something productive, creative, engaging, and sociable at this time—rather a change from the lockdown routine.
My story was about a lecture that made me rediscover my love of literature and change the way I study. Writing and telling this story was actually the first time I confronted myself about this change, and it wasn’t until I had to explain it to others that I realised why this book and this lecture stood out to me so much. There didn’t seem to be that much of a story to tell, but my peers on this course reassured me that they definitely connected with my story, and that they have also had similar moments of epiphany in their studies! So I think I had two transformative moments: first the lecture, and then reflecting on it during this Digital Storytelling course. It made me think clearly about why I am studying English, and what I want to get out of it!
But more than the process of creating my digital story, I most enjoyed the opportunity to meet new people and chat about anything and everything; it was a wonderfully friendly environment, where we were working together and individually, working on separate projects but all helping each other throughout. Everyone arrived with patience and an open mind, and it was an overwhelmingly positive experience during such hard times.